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GP Joule World Cup Sylt, 2013
Images 31 to 60 out of 551
Antoine Albeau looking good for another slalom title Alice Arutkin Alice Arutkin signing autographs Albeau takes the final Alex Mussolini Bjorn heads out Josh Angulo Peter Volwater Alberto Menegatti number two in the world Sun and clod for the slalom fleet The crowds flock to the event site here in Sylt Koster on stage Nayra chooses Fanatic Philip Koster on stage drawing the crowds Philip Koster Robby Naish during two hour autograph signing session! Albeau, Menegatti and Quentel celebrate Robby Niash still drawing the crowds Sunny skies over Sylt Surfs up The Skye Alonso family on tour Thousands flock to the beach here in Sylt Tonky Frans celebrates his third place here in Sylt Tonky Frans A tribute to Bernd Flessner Windsurfing legend Robby Naish on stage 0 A gift from the PWA to Matthias Neumann Antoine Albeau wins the slalom here in Sylt Antoine Albeau