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GP Joule World Cup Sylt, 2013
Images 91 to 120 out of 551
Moody weather Ominous skies over Sylt Packing it all up Steady as she goes, the PWA judges working offshore Taty Frans The sun breaks through Thode wins here in Sylt Albeau moves into the lead Kiri in control Kiri action Julien Mas Jacabo Testa Head judge Duncan Coombs Kiri Thode shaka Mattia Fabrizi Nicolas Akgazciyan One handed shaka from Ruenes One handed shaka from Steven Van Broeckhoven Push loop from Steven Van Broeckhoven Shuvit from Ricardo Campello Steven Van Broeckhoven takes second Gollito Estredo Enrico Marotti Dieter Van Der Eyken Steven Van Broeckhoven shuv it Steven Van Broeckhoven takes the victory Steven Van Broeckhoven Sunny freestyle here in Sylt Davy Scheffers Taty Frans