Old School

What Happens When Ricardo Campello Gets his Hands on an Old School Wave Board & Sails Ho'okipa? Find out now

A few months ago Ricardo Campello (Naish / Naish Sails) got his hands on a wave board from the 90s. Originally it was just meant to be a memento to hang on the wall, but then curiosity started to get the better of him and he decided he'd need to take it for a spin at Ho'okip to see how it performs. You can now the video footage of the results @ https://youtu.be/cZKRvXmE1no

Ricardo Campello: "A few months ago I was looking through Facebook marketplace on Maui and I found this really cool Naish Hawaii board, the guy was selling it for 50$ I offered him 30$ and he accepted it. It was pretty much brand new. Initially I bought just to keep it and hang it on a wall one day but then I got curious to see how it felt to sail it. 

Check the whole video as I had 2 or 3 sessions. It was edited chronologically so my sailing gets better towards the end when I get more used to it !

I will make another video talking about how it feels and hopefullly have a chance to use an old sail as well. I'd also like to do some jumps next time. 

Please don't forget to leave me your comments!!"