PWA Athletes

Jonas Thyme

Jonas  Thyme
Age: 24
Height: 0
Debut: 2017
Residence: Denmark
Nationality: Danish
Boards: Starboard
Sails: Severne Windsurfing


1st PWA event entered Hvide Sande Slalom 2017

I started windsurfing when i turned 10 years. After the first time i got hooked and then it all began. I sailed my first beginner competition when i was 11 years and started racing on the danish tour when i was 14 years. In 2017 i sailed my first international event in France. (except the nordicchampionships in Denmark 2016)
Danish junior champion slalom
Danish junior formula/slalom champion
Nordic junior formula/slalom champion
3rd place IFCA junior slalom worldchampionships
Youth worldchampion speed
Currently leading the danish slalom rankings in junior and youth

Windsurfing Ambitions: My highest goal is to become a professional windsurfer and compete full time on the PWA world tour. Every time i go on the water my goal is to learn and improve my skills. I want to be one of the fastest guys in the world and make a living out of windsurfing in the future. I also want to help the sport grove and introduce new people to the best sport in the world.


Starboard, Severne Windsurfing, Lakor Soulwear, Starboard Foil
Jonas  Thyme
Jonas  Thyme
Jonas  Thyme