PWA Athletes

Beat Steffan

Beat  Steffan
Age: 59
Height: 183
Debut: 1997
Residence: Spain
Nationality: Swiss
Boards: Fanatic
Sails: Duotone


National Results: Top 3 Freestyle Spain
6 languages
PhD in economics (1996),
PR Manager NORTH SAILS since july 2001,
Freestyle Video Variety (150 moves)2001
University of Economics, Vienna:
Graduation in Economics in 1993
PhD in 1996: The economic importance of sports;
the example of Windsurfing.

LANGUAGES: German (Mother tongue) Italian: University degree
Spanish: University degree English. University degree
French: University degree Russian: Advanced level


1994/1995: Speaker of the national Spanish PBA events, and the international PBA events held in Tarifa
Coach of a professional Windsurfing competitor
1996-1999 Owner and Manager of the Sail Factory BULL SAILS,Tarifa
1999-2001 Owner and Manager of the shop and clothing brand
„El Niño sweetwear", Tarifa
february/march 1999 Coach of the windsurfing camp "Jibe City" in Venezuela
november 1999 Coach of the freestyle camp "Camp One" in Tarifa
february to july 2000 Speaker at the radio station "COPE" Campo de Gibraltar
in a weekly watersports programm
february/march 2000 Head Coach of the windsurfing camp "Jibe City" in Venezuela
june 2000 Symposium "Jornadas de Salvamento Maritimo" in Tarifa
november 2000 Coach of the freestyle camp "Camp One 2" in Tarifa
dicember 2000 Symposium "La comunicación en el deporte de la vela"
(Salón Náutico de Barcelona)
february/march 2001 Head Coach of the windsurfing camp "Jibe City" in Egypt
since july 2001 PR manager and team manager North Sails
SPORTS: 1993: Windsurfing Worldcup Barbados:
1st place Waveriding in the Amateur Event.
1997/98/99/00/01: Participation at the King of the Lake, Lago di Garda
since 1998 Competitor in the professional Freestyle Worldtour PWA
as a member of the Mistral/North Freestyle Worldcup Team
1998: 3rd place at the Spanish Championships (Freestyle) in Tarifa
1998: 17th place in the professional Freestyle ranking PWA
1999: 22nd place of the professional Freestyle ranking 1999 PWA
9th place Freestyle European Championships IFCA 1999
9th place Wave World Championships IFCA 1999
2000: 13th place Worldcup Silvaplana, Switzerland,
7th place Tarifa International Cup
2001: 5th place Tarifa International Cup Toro Andaluz
13th place International Freestyle Event, Quebec, Canada
HOBBIES Travelling, Opera, Literature, sports


Fanatic, Duotone, Dwarf8
Beat  Steffan
Beat  Steffan
Beat  Steffan