PWA Athletes

Vincent Mellouet

Vincent  Mellouet
Age: 43
Height: 0
Debut: 2002
Residence: France
Nationality: French
Boards: Fanatic
Sails: Duotone


1st PWA event entered - 27th Mondial du Vent Leucate 2002

- French Freestyle Championship 2009
- 2nd French AFF Wave Championship l'Almanarre
- 3rd place to the French Wave Championship
- 9th Overal French Wave Ranking in 2006
- 1st Super session Le dossen French tour in 2006
- 5th on the French tour in Wave (Carnac) 2005
- 4th on the French Freestyle tour in 2004
- 5th on the French Freestyle tour (AFW) in 2003


Fanatic, Duotone, ION
Vincent  Mellouet
Vincent  Mellouet
Vincent  Mellouet