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2010 Almanarre PWA Women's Slalom World Tour Final
Images 61 to 90 out of 266
Sarah rigs Sarah's scribbles The Greta's eye the conditions The streets of St Tropez Valerie and Morane on deck Valerie Arrighetti Verena Fauster Verena tunes up Broody skies over Almanarre Emilie Lallement First mark pile up Girls hit the water Girls tune up Greta Benvenuti Greta flat out Greta warms up Jaggi heads out Julie Berthou Karin and Sarah line up 2010 World title for Karin Jaggi Karin Jaggi tunes up Marianne Kaplas Morane Demont Morane tests the course Olivia Piana Ophelie Joly Ophelie leads the way Sarah Hebert under broody skies Sarah Quita Offringa Valeri across the line