
Two of the Most Likeable Characters on Tour - Tonky and Taty Frans - Are Next Up

- Who are you, how old are you and who is your sibling?
My name is Tonky Frans (37) and my younger brother is Taty Frans (36). We are no twins!

- At what age did you start windsurfing?
Tonky: I started windsurfing with 11/12 years old.
Taty: I think when I was 11 years old.

- Were your parents also windsurfing?
No…our mom is a nurse and our father is working in construction.

- Did you both work towards competing at a high level in windsurfing?
Taty: I believe it all came natural, when you windsurf everyday and you come to a certain level that you have to go out there and see what all the hours you invest into windsurf is about. Competing at a high level was a dream and the day we had the chance we just took it in full force.

- How is it to travel to the same events all over the world?
Tonky: It’s fun, also in between the years I knew what I was gonna expect in wind or sea conditions. So I was always happy to go to the same events and meet the people for the first year and to see them the next year again.
Taty: It's amazing to me.

- Are you helping each other during an event or are you focusing on your own event only?
Tonky: When is time to help always
Taty: It all depends, I mean if I am out and Tonky is still in, of course it comes natural to help him out, with whatever. I never felt rivalry/ envy or whatever towards Tonky, since we started windsurfing, we are always happy for one another if he beats me that's okay. No hard feelings ever.

- What’s a weird habit of your sibling?
DO the fact that people always confuse Tonky and I for each other counts as weird?

- What do you both have in common?
I guess windsurfing and a lot more.

- What is the funniest thing that happened on tour together with your sibling?
Tonky: Was not funny but when I was too late for my flight from Amsterdam to Vietnam.
Taty: I can't remember at this moment. (shame on me).

Only one word answer possible, your siblings name or the word ‘me’.
Who is faster? Taty
Who takes longer to get ready to go on the water? Me
Who has more windsurfing gear? Taty
Who has won more windsurfing medals? Taty
Who room is a mess? Me

Only one word answer possible, your siblings name or the word ‘me’.
Who is faster? Guess I am.
Who takes longer to get ready to go on the water? Tonky
Who has more windsurfing gear? Me
Who has won more windsurfing medals? Me
Who room is a mess? Tonky

Thanks Tonky & Taty