Landing Day

Mainly Freestyle with a little bit of wave for good measure featuring Adam Sims, Dudu Levi & Felix Volkhardt

Landing Day is a new movie featuring Adam Sims (Sailloft Hamburg), Dudu Levi (Future Fly / GUNSAILS) & Felix Volkhardt (Severne / Severne Sails), which sees the triage of sailors enjoying a some epic sessions in Sotavento, Fuerteventura.

Adam Sims: “For me it was a pleasure to shoot together with Dudu and Felix, they are such good friends, such passionate freestyle windsurfers with so much energy, drive, commitment and motivation, part of a rare breed of professional windsurfers who go above and beyond both on and off the water. Those who collaborate with them are certainly very fortunate. In this case I felt very fortunate as we swapped in and out of sessions vs filming, we had a range of camera gear (the keen eye may notice the odd colour shift between different camera types, it was certainly a camera mash-up) but that’s cool, sometimes it’s about what you see, not how you see… and the action these guys are able to dial in at any given time is unreal. Felix firing on all cylinders on port tack flat water, Dudu surprised me most in the waves, I mean I knew he was good, but what you see in the movie is literally the 1-2 jumping sessions Dudu did and he absolutely unleashed!”

You can see Landing Day @