Xenia Kessler

Age: 35 Height: 0
Debut: 2009
Residence: Denmark
Nationality: Danish
Boards: JP
Sails: NeilPryde
1st PWA event 2009 Islas Canarias PWA Costa Teguise Freestyle World Cup2010 ranked 5th overall Freestyle
#1st Danish Freestyle Championships (Women)
#1st overall DBO wave/freestyle ranking (women)
#3rd DBO wave DM Klitmøller (Women)
#1st King of the Fjord (Princess of the fjord) [freestyle stævne]
#1st Viking of the Fjord (Women) [freestyle stævne]
#1st DBO wave/freestyle rangliste Klitmøller Juni 08 (Women)
#1st King of the Fjord (Princess of the fjord) [freestyle stævne]
#3rd DBO wave rangliste stævne i Hvide Sande (Women)
#4th DM07 wave women class DBO
#4th overall ranking women wave DBO