Deivis Paternina Teran
Age: 32 Height: 0
Debut: 2010
Residence: Venezuela
Nationality: Venezuelan
Boards: I-99
Sails: Loftsails
1st PWA event Lanzarote Freestyle, 2010I started windsurfing when I was 12, in el Yaque, Venezuela, where I'm still living and windsurfing every single day
I am lucky to live at the one of the most popular spots of the world, this is where I started, watching famous guys like Gollito,Diony and Yoli training. That cought my attention so much that couldn't stop training myself to complete my dream - Pro Windsurfer career.
I'm on my way and not planning to stop!
.1st place, Reto al Viento. Playa El Yaque
place,Freestyle Junior El Yaque place ,Regata Windsurf LXXI Aniversario de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana.
.1st place, Festival de Viento Copa ONA. Slalom Defi Winds Araya Speed Sailing Junior Campeonato Internacional. Cumana Sport. Copa Astivasca,
. 2rd place, Aruba Hi Winds. Prince of the Huts
. 2rd place, Regata Invitacional Adicora. Copa Proyecto Huracán, Freestyle.
.2rd place, Copa Proyecto Huracan Adicora..
.13th place,Fuerteventura PWA. 2010
.17th place Lanzarote PWA 2010
1st place, Puerto La Cruz, Copa el Morro
.3ed place, Copa ONA Slalom
.2rd place, Copa ONA Freestyle
.11th place, PWA World Tour Vietnam 2011
.17th place, PWA World Tour Austria 2011
.19th place, PWA World tour Aruba hi widnds 2012
.17th place,PWA WorldTour bonaire 2013
• 1st place, Competencia Nacional(Lecheria) Puerto la cruz 2013
• 4th place, Copa ONA Freestyle el Yaque 2013.
• 3rd place,Competencia margarita Wild Winds El Yaque 2013.
• 3rd place,Competencia margarita Wild Winds freestyle 2013
• 2rd place, Aruba-Hi Winds Pro Am Freestyle 2012
• 4th place, Aruba -Hi winds Pro Freestyle
• 17th place, PWA Fuerteventura 2012
. 25th place, PWA fuerteventura 2013
. 33th place, PWA world tour Netherlands 2013
. 33th place, PWA World tour Sylt 2013
3er Place freestylecrow 2014.
.2rd. Place, Slalom Yaquecrow 2014
.6to Place, Freestyle crow 2015.
.5to place, freestyle Adicora 2015.
2rd. Freestyle El Yaque Pro. 2016, PWA fuerteventura 2017
33. Place, PWA SYLT 2017