PWA Athletes

Mattia Fabrizi

Mattia  Fabrizi
Age: 33
Height: 0
Debut: 2010
Residence: Italy
Nationality: Italian
Boards: Patrik Boards
Sails: Challenger Sails


1st PWA event entered Fuerteventura Freestyle 2010

2018 9th Overall Freestyle, 9th Fuerteventura Freestyle, 7th Sylt
2017 9th Sylt Freestyle
2016 7th Sylt
17th PWA Fuerteventura 2012 - 17th PWA Sylt 2012-5th EFPT Six Fours 2012
2011 25th PWA Surf World Cup Podersdorf
1st efpkt reggio calabria and six fours
1st shaka bump and jump
4 th efpt Sardinia
Italian junior champion 2008, 2nd at world junior freestyle championship 2009, 2nd overall at windsurf nation circuit, 4th at efpt sardinia 2009.


Patrik Boards, Challenger Sails, Danilo Lanteri Fins, Ride Engine, Techno Limits, ABC Chiropratica
Mattia  Fabrizi
Mattia  Fabrizi
Mattia  Fabrizi