PWA Athletes

Diego Domenianni

Diego  Domenianni
Age: 53
Height: 0
Debut: 2010
Residence: United States
Nationality: American
Boards: JP
Sails: NeilPryde


1st PWA event entered Pegasus Airlines Alacati, slalom

top 3 in Argentina 1987 / 1995. Top 5 in South America 1987 / 1995 including the Carebean championships. 5th in the world mistral 1990 . 5th in the world 2009 Master Slalom (IFCA)
World champion for 2011 at the IFCA masters world cup that was at CuraƧao


JP, NeilPryde, Adventure Sports Miami
Diego  Domenianni
Diego  Domenianni
Diego  Domenianni