Valentin Böckler
Age: 32 Height: 0
Debut: 2011
Residence: Germany
Nationality: German
Boards: Starboard
1st PWA event entered Sylt Freestyle 2011Starting windsurfing with 6 years old. Since 2008 I train Freestyle. I won the Efpkt Tour in 2010 (Junior European Freestyle Champion U20) and get the BOOT Award "Windsurf Talent of the year" for my support to managed Young talented Rider (Funsport-Academy). Also I'm director of the German Freestyle Battles.
2nd Young Gun Camp Prasonisi 2009
Junior European Freestyle Champion 2010
5th GFB Norderney 2011
9th GFB Saal 2012
16th EFPT Sigri 2012
3rd GFB Fehmarn 2013
4th GFB Laboe 2013
17th EFPT Podersdorf 2014
13th European TowIn Championships
4th GFB Lemkenhafen 2014
26th PWA Bonaire 2014
25th PWA Fuerteventura 2014
26th Overallranking PWA Freestyle 2014