PWA Athletes

Oscar Carmichael

Oscar  Carmichael
Age: 28
Height: 178
Debut: 2013
Residence: Great Britain
Nationality: British
Boards: Fanatic
Sails: Duotone


1st PWA event entered Fuerteventura Freestyle 2013

UK Vice Pro Champion 2012, UK junior Champion 2011, 2010, 2009

I started windsurfing when I was 11 and was instantly hooked. I got into team15 which progressed a couple of years later to national squad racing. It was during this time that I started discovering freestyle and realised it was the discipline for me. I have won four consecutive national UK freestyle titles and next year I would like to follow my dream of taking part in a PWA world tour competition. My ambitions for the near future are to focus solely on training and competing in the PWA world tour with the aim of ranking as high as possible alongside other British UK professional sailors.


Fanatic, Duotone, ION
Oscar  Carmichael
Oscar  Carmichael
Oscar  Carmichael