PWA Athletes

Hugo Dupré

Hugo  Dupré
Age: 30
Height: 0
Debut: 2016
Residence: France
Nationality: French


1st PWA event entered La Torche slalom 2016

I participated in all senior AFF(French association of funboard) French Championship event since 2011:
My rank after two events is 10th at the 2016 provisional overall rating
-38th in the "Defi wind" 2011
-33th and 7th youth in the world championship IFCA senior at Sylt 2013.
Windsurfing Ambitions: I wish to take part of the "La Torche" event because it takes place in France and on a spot that I know very well since I participated to the AFF championship. It would be a great opportunity to bring up my name, to compare myself to the best and get ready for the 2017 season.


Hugo  Dupré