PWA Athletes

Ramon Pastor

Ramon  Pastor
Age: 44
Height: 175
Debut: 2003
Residence: Spain
Nationality: Catalan
Boards: Severne Windsurfing
Sails: Severne Windsurfing


1st PWA event 2003 Tarifa Freestyle Qualifier and second PWA event 2003 Catalunya Costa Brava Freestyle.

Currently I'm working with Monty Spindler in Tarifa for Loftsails R&D and focus training with Ben Van der Steen , Basti Kordel and Gonzalo every day. I'm working too with Finian Mainard in R&D Borads and we already finish the foil board to go Japan and Korea with Machieck. My plan for this year is to make all slalom and foil tour.

2th Almeria Spanish championship 2017
2th Buda Wind festival Slalom event 2017
63th Overall Pwa ranking 2016
Spanish Slalom champion since 2008-2012


Severne Windsurfing,, Starboard Foil
Ramon  Pastor
Ramon  Pastor
Ramon  Pastor