PWA Athletes

Adrien Vinciguerra

Adrien  Vinciguerra
Height: 0
Debut: 2003
Residence: France
Nationality: French
Boards: Exocet


1st PWA event Leucate Freestyle Qualifier
Windsurfing History:1st junior during prince of the lake 2002. 2nd under 18 during AFF Carro 17th overall (first official competition so a bit lost). One year and a half ago year during regional free style (LANGUEDOC ROUSSILLON) championships during a free style heat they couldn’t t choose who to put second between me and Nicolas AKGAZCIYAN. (Of course FOR ONCE it was me because I did a perfect heat, better than him for once)
Windsurfing Ambitions: I WANT TO LIVE BY COMPETITION. I am doing the CNED (home school work) so I can train as much as I can. This winter I have been working all the new freestyle maneuvers (cachoo, clock, punetta.) which i can pull out now quite often and which to show them all during PWA to get a good ranking. I am also trying to create a sort of super x on my spot, to get some training. It seems really fun! I am a bit upset that there is no free style heat in Leucate. I am sailing to myself that I'll make up during the canaries islands hopefully.


Exocet, Aerotech