Alberto Menegatti

Age: 39 Height: 194
Debut: 2003
Residence: Italy
Nationality: Italian
Boards: Starboard
Sails: Point-7
1st PWA event entered Leba Race 20032013 Ranked 2nd Overall Slalom
1st - 2013 Ulsan PWA World Cup, 8th Costa Brava, 2nd Alacati
Youth World Championship: 1st
Youth European Championship: 1st
World Championship: 12th
Eurocup Cascais: 4th
Eurocup Cagliari: 8th
ISAF World Championship: 3rd
Italian Championship: 2nd
Youth Ranking Eurocup : 2nd
Favourite manoeuvre:passing others
Favourite spot in Europe: Sardinia, Portugal
Favourite spot outside Europe:Australia
Favourite food: Italian Pasta and Pizza of course
Favourite music: From rock, to Ska, to Dance, everything but I hate Hardcore
Hobbies (beside windsurfing): Volleyball, football, Computer and of course GIRLS
How I started windsurfing: I was 12 I tried this new sport just for fun, and I immediately loved it.
Goals: Be one of the best in the world on Racing and Slalom