PWA Athletes

Vicky Sanchez

Vicky  Sanchez
Age: 41
Height: 165
Debut: 2007
Residence: Spain
Nationality: Spanish
Boards: Starboard
Sails: Severne Windsurfing


1st PWA event 07
Favourite sailing spot: Jericoacoara, Ceara (Brazil)

Favourite boards? I love the Flare 88, super light! And the EvilTwin 70… sick!

What type of sailing do you enjoy most?

I love Freestyle because you can do many tricks and practice it all most everywhere in the world. However there is nothing like a good wave session.

My ideal conditions? Definately Side–Off wind for my S–1 4.0 and Mast high waves.

What is your favourite windsurfing memory?

I will never forget the feeling of landing my first forward loop. It was in the in the Moreno’s Training Camp in Tenerife. I was sailing full power and I had Daida and Iballa screaming behind me… "DO IT!!! DO IIIIT!!!!!" There was no choice… so… I did it, and I managed to do the full rotation. It was my first try and I almost landed it. At this moment I understood how important it is to be motivated. This is my advice for those who want to try a forward loop. If you go for it, do it 100%, and for sure you will do it!

Have you been on any windsurfing trips that have totally blown you away?

One day I received an e–mail from Peter Svensson, the producer of the Brawzinho’s movie "Committed", asking me if I want to join Kevin Pritchard, Kauli Seadi, Brawzinho, Baptiste, Robby Swift and other PWA pros in his new project were we had to travel around the north–east coast of Brazil searching for the best spot with nine buggys crossing rivers, jungles, dunes and jumping with all the windsurfing gear from helicopters.

So I said… "Ok Peter, let me think about it, I’m not sure… mmmmm… HELL YESSSSS!
And I had two amazing weeks surrounded by a great team of riders, cameras and journalists full of energy, friendly and lots of good times. There was a great atmosphere.

What have you been doing windsurfing wise the last year?

The past season I couldn’t compete because all the freestyle events were on in July and this is when I’m busy the most at my windsurfing center :( . I hope next year we have more events than the three in the Canary Islands and not only in July, because I would like to do as many competitions as I can.

What are your plans for the coming year?

I’m going to Brazil again for 3 months. Its a great spot to improve, there is wind every day and there is a very high level in the water. Then I will go to Margarita for a couple of months and then I’m going to do a road trip from Oregon to Baja California, trying to find the best spots on the American west coast. It’s a trip that I always wanted to do. I also have a lot of media projects on mind that I want to work on. Of course the main objective is to be in the water as much as I can and improve my level.

Thanks a lot to Starboard and Severne for support me.


Starboard, Severne Windsurfing, MFC, Mormaii, MaverX by Reglass
Vicky  Sanchez