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PWA Sotavento, Fuerteventura 2009
Images 121 to 150 out of 422
Peter Volwater Pritchard goes undercover Race abondoned! Race ten losers final Race ten start line Robby Swift Slalom hussle Start line hussle Swift heads out The pack gathers Tine Slabe Albeau 1st, Maynard 2nd, Pritchard 3rd Albeau hits the water Alberto Menegatti Arnon Dagan Black eye for Kurosh Breaking wave Code Red alert! Finian Maynard Fuerteventura cactus Hanging out Heading out John Benemati in the sailors pit area Locals look on Morning jog Moussilmani caught on camera! One last day on the race course Sand storm in the tent overnight The winning hands Third place for Kevin Pritchard