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PWA Ulsan, Korea 2009
Images 31 to 60 out of 278
The message is clear here in Korea Van der Steen and Volwater tempted! Albeau out in front Alice Arutkin in third Local helpers cheer for the PWA Buzianis holding second place (2) Alice Arutkin happy in third Buzianis holding second place Dunkerbeck in third so far Valerie Ghibaudo holding first place Diaz speaks Closing ceremony A well earned massage for Jimmy Diaz All smiles for Albeau Albeau on top Got the shot! In a spin! Its all over here in Korea Korea men's winners 2009 Korean crowds Lets get the party started! Micah Buzianis Rock stars Valerie Ghibaudo wins here in Korea Valerie Ghibaudo, Karen Jaggi and Alice Arutkin Williams still smiling Kevin Pritchard Lena Erdil Robby Swift Tai Hamguchi